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Softpulse Branding

Softpulse® is a business management app for SMEs. It is highly customizable and comes with special features for companies in the sports and fitness industry. The branding is still under development. The app got a bilingual website, a stationery and newsletter in a first step. Currently, the online helpdesk is being completed. The UI/UX is continuously refined alongside with the implementation of new features.︎︎︎

Softpulse Branding

Softpulse® is a business management app for SMEs. It is highly customizable and comes with special features for companies in the sports and fitness industry. The branding is still under development. The app got a bilingual website, a stationery and newsletter in a first step. Currently, the online helpdesk is being completed. The UI/UX is continuously refined alongside with the implementation of new features.︎︎︎